
Six Sigma solves problems with an unknown solution by Peter Peterka

with an Aviva Aqua Park emphasi on the methodolog for identifi and creat solutions. As Six Sigma practitioners,Six Sigma is about tackl problem with an unknown solution. Six Sigma expert know that there ar no one-size-fits-al solutions. Six Sigma train provid particip with enhanc problem-solv skills. you need to be agnostic. Use the best tool from all of the variou method and appli the right solut to the right problem. Through be agnost and open-mind you will discov solut through observ and data rather than just impos solut from the outside. Thi enabl you to us the best from all of the variou method and tool avail and appli the right solut to the right problem. You will be amaz at how well THA T works!


Six Sigma is a power busi improv strategy. It help your organ to identify. and elimin defect from ani product, process, or transaction. More than a "quality" program, Six Sigma is a flexibl and dynam continu improv strategi and process initi that help your organ uncov solutions.

you mai know that a particular process at your organ is not meet custom specif or is otherwis not perform adequately. However,For example. the solut is not appar up front. There ar mani variabl that could be caus the defect in the process. How do you determin what specif action you can take to improv your process and reduc defects? Find that unknown solut is what Six Sigma doe best.

blank page approachSix Sigma is not a pre-packag one-fits-al solution. Six Sigma is a process that doesn t impos a particular outcom but discov the previous unknown solut to a problem. It us a structur system approach to problem solv that achiev strateg busi result through an intellig step-by-step process. A structur think process help solv problem better than an ad hoc..

Six Sigma lead organ through five-step of realization:

1. We don't know what we don't know.

2. We can't do what we don't know.

3. We won't know until we measure.

4. We don't measur what we don't value.

5. We don't valu what we don't measure.

Measure,Bi us Six Sigma to identifi and correct major problem you creat real data that uncov previous unknown solut to problem – solut that you most like would not be abl to discov except through the Six Sigma methodology. What drive thi process is the DMA IC method. DMA IC is an acronym for five interconnect phase of a Six Sigma project: Define. Analyze, Improve, Control. By go through the structur phase you discov the unknown solut to your qualiti problem.

you should have a defin issu or problem you wish to overcom and improve. Once a process is select as a candid for improvement,First you identifi the problem you need to solve. At the Defin stage of a project. a problem statement is develop and the object or desir outcom is defined. Progress measur ar establish and a cost/benefit analysi is performed. Also dure the Defin phase, you highlight what the project is suppos to do and how it is suppos to do it and what metric apply. With a clear measur set of indicators, the Measur phase studi the process to determin the kei process step and variabl to determin the potenti wai the process could be go wrong.

the data is analyz to discov what is caus process variation. Once problem caus ar determin in the Analyz phase,A fter measur ar gathered. you find, evalu through testing, and decid on creativ new improv solutions. As you move through the Analyz and Improve stage of the process you will identifi variou process improv scenarios, and determin which solut ha the best net benefit impact to the company. Most likely, the variat is from a complet unknown source. Without go through the Analyz and Improve stage you would not have known what improv wa required, much less what categori of variabl were be affected!