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2. 防火板台面:由于橱柜台面的防火板通常以进口为主,其优点是色泽鲜艳,耐磨、耐高温;缺点是切断后暴露的断面部位要用防火板或PVC做饰面、金属条封边来掩盖断面木质基材。在台面的转角处缺乏有效的处理手段,通常采用胶粘合、塑料和专用金属嵌入的办法,以增加美观。防火板台面是目前使用较多的一种厨房台面材料。
3. 不锈钢台面。不锈钢材质坚固,易于清洗,曾占有主要的是市场份额。但其给人的视觉感受偏冷,缺少变化,并且在橱柜台面的各转角部位和各结合部缺乏有效的处理手段,不大适应家庭厨房管道交叉等特殊情况,价格也偏高。
1. 二次布管隐藏法:可根据自己的需求及设计方案对管道进行二次改造,以便优化设计,并尽可能地将无需维修的管道藏在墙内,然后将检修口及水龙头留出,这样就可以把暴露在外的管道藏进墙体内。
2. 装饰遮掩法:对于不能置于墙体内的管道,就必须用装饰遮掩法加以隐藏。主要方法有做吊顶、吊柜和装饰柱等几种方法。如厨房顶部一般有下水管道吊于空中,而且还有排风及电源管线,既不雅观也不卫生,可以用防腐、防水的微孔铝板、扣板全面吊顶,这样就可以方便的隐藏顶部管道;还可以做吊橱,把管道包在里面。对于竖在墙壁上的较粗的下水管道,可以用木质结构或轻质墙板做装饰柱,将管道封住,面层贴防火板、铝塑板或者贴墙面砖,留出适当的检修口。当然基层材料要防水、防腐、强度大、面层贴面材料应与厨房墙面材料的材质、颜色相统一,以便改造后能体现完整统一的装饰风格。

家居 标签:


1. 避开强电线:弱电信号属低压电信号,抗干扰性能较差,所以弱电线地走线应该避开强电线(电源线)。国家标准规定,电源线及插座与电视线及插座的水平间距不应小于50厘米。
2. 注意防潮:插座下边线以距地面30厘米左右为宜。一般来说,这些弱电线常常在房顶或地板下布线,所以为了防潮和更换方便,这些线的外面都要加上牢固的套管,并在加上套管前检查线是否有断路或短路。
3. 预留足够插孔:考虑到家庭生活的发展和需要,一般客厅、每个卧室都要预留埋设电话线、网络线、有线电视线插孔各1~2个,并且要分布在不同墙面,以便于电器摆设位置的变化。卫生间、厨房也可根据需要考虑是否预留一个电话插孔,餐厅也可考虑是否预留一个预先电视线插孔,以备就餐时看电视用。
4. 集中控制:随着网络和信息时代的到来,一个家庭安装两部电话或多机上网,以是很平常的事。为保证各种线的对接质量,且方便维修,最好为家中的电话线和网络线设计一个集中控制单元。可以根据网络线进室的位置选择门厅、过道、书房上方等某个地方,设计一个小线盒(形状如电源分线盒),将所有外部进户的电话线、网络线、有线电视线线到达这个线盒,同时家中每个房间的电话插孔、网络插孔、有线电视插孔的线也必须到达这个线盒,可以根据家庭需要在线盒内进行连线。为保证信号质量需要在线盒内加一个电视信号多路分支适配器,如果家中多台计算机上网,还需备一个网络集线器(以上两配件商店有售,价格不高)。

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对于地板搁栅,有一个很好记忆的计算方法,即若以3cm 5cm按标准(每30cm一档)排列,则每平方米要用料不到0.0lm3(含损耗,实际为0.006m3),即10m2的房间用0.1m3的木料做搁栅已绰绰有余,如果搁栅木料830元/m3,则每平方米的搁栅材料价不到8.30元,加上其他辅料,材料10元/m,已足够了,因此,对于地板,其辅料可以用10元/m2进行估算(此法适用上海地区,其他地区可按每平方米房间用0.01立方米木料进行估算)。

家居 标签:


一般来说,消费者最为关心的往往是一些大件的价格,如浴室的三件套、地板、墙砖、地砖等,其实,即使装潢公司在浴室三件套上“让利很多”,即它给出的价格比市场上的“便宜”许多(300~700元),它仍有相当可观的批零差价可赚。以浴缸为例,一个红牌价格为2 700元左右的铸铁浴缸,即使以2 000元售出,对装潢公司而言,尚有300元左右的批零差价可赚(上海地区),然而批零差价是其经商所应获得的利润之所在,所以,就消费者而言,更应该关注的是:
(1)地板,假设有一房间长3.6m、宽3.3m用90cm 9cm 1.8cm的地板,求需用地板多少平方米。测算步骤如下:
第一步,确定地板的走向,以3.6m的方向为纵向铺设方向,于是纵向需用地板=3.6 0.9=4块
第二步,计算横向要用几排地板,以3.3m除0.09,于是横向需用地板=3.3 0.09=36.67≈37块
第三步,计算总的用量:总共需用地板=37 4=148块
第四步,计算面积总值:地板总需面积=148 0.9 0.09=11.988m2
第五步,计算材料(地板)的总价(假设地板150元/m2)地板总价=11.988 150=1798.20元
=11.988-3.6 3.3=0.108m2
=0.108 (3.6 3.3)≈1%
0.108+4 0.9 0.09=0.432m2
损耗率0.432 (3.3 3.6)=3.6%

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卧室铺地板(15m:) 地板(菠罗格)150元/m2人工,材料合油漆6 8元/m2从总价位上看并无十分出格的地方,其中地板的品种给予了约定,价格也说定,充其量,客户再给地板定个等级、规格、牌号什么的,150元/m2的价格也不能算高。至于“人工、材料含油
每平方米8元,即人工构成为28元,搁栅的材料取落叶松规格为3cm 5cm,如按30cm一档的标准铺设,连钉子带搁栅约在10元之内,余额尚有30元,足以可用进口或合资的水晶地板漆漆三度,并在搁栅上加一度水柏油。但如果将其中的人工构成增加1O~15元呢,这时可以想象最后的结果一搁栅尺寸不组,钉子伪劣产品,尤其度数不到、品牌甚至是杂牌的。因此,对这一类项目在预算表中必须分解成细项,如:
地板(菠罗格、某牌、一等品9 0cm 9cm 1 8cm)1 5 0元/m2
搁栅(落叶松,3cm 5cm、干燥不带树皮)850元/m3
①地板(菠罗格、某牌、一等品90cm 9cm 1.8cm)150元/m2
搁栅及辅科(落叶松、3cm 5cm、某牌钉、带防腐)10元/m2人工20元/m2

家居 标签:


商家推介名 实际树种
巴西紫檀红(黄檀) 依贝
(南美)金丝木/黄檀 山榄
(南洋)黄柚檀 巴劳
欧洲榉木 山毛榉
柚木王/非洲柚术王 大美木豆
樱桃木 桦木
金不换 克姆帕斯
山毛榉 桤木
枫木 桦木
白象木 白兰
上述种种手法,消费者均应在合同伊始即于以防范,对于低估高冒者 消费者应忌贪小便宜的思想,第一,对过低的价格要与过高的价格一样予以重点关注,记住“天上不会掉下馅饼”的道理。第二,明显遗漏的项目要及时补上,不要存在侥幸心理,以为装潢公司会给你免费服务,也不要自以为得计,到时候与施工队“私了”。低估高冒固然与消费者不懂装潢业务有关,但也应看到有时确与消费者贪一时小便宜有关。
要防止的是当装潢公司拿地板的“实样”给消费者看,并当场双方确认“用这种地板”(当然价格也定了下来)的情况发生。因为一旦材质名不副实,装潢公司也会摆出一副受骗上当的样子——“我们也不懂啊”。 如遇这种情况,建议在合同里写明诸如下面意思的句子:
地板采用乙方推介的XXX牌XX品种地板,该地板的树种为XX,等缎为XX级(国标GB/T 15036-94),有形市场价格一般在鬃 -鬃字洹R曳蕉员咎跛瞿谌莞和耆脑鹑危缬胁皇担曳桨幢竞贤谧条的约定进行赔偿。

家居 标签:


2.要注意封装质量。阳台封装质量是阳台装修中的关键。要注意它的抗风力,安装要牢固。要做好密封,否则透风撒气的 等于没封。窗扇下口最容易渗水,一般是窗框下预留2厘米间隙,用专用密封剂或用水泥填死。有窗台的,要向外作流水坡。
举例来说,铺地板,地板材料是有损耗的,但其损耗是有限度的,一般不超过5%。因此,在审核预算表时,必须对其实铺面积和材料的购置面积进行核算。如果大于5%,就要警惕是否有“水分”。其次,地板木料有损耗不等于人工有损耗,也不等于油漆有损耗,但在预算时装潢公司不是以实际的铺设面积计算人工和油漆用量,而是用购置地板面积进行预算和结算 以达到多收费用的目的。
生造名木,牟取暴利 由于铺设地板是整个装潢工程中最大的工程项目之一,其单位面积价格略上升一点,整个费用往往会有几百元甚至上千元的变化,所以,在预算时,常常可以看到一些“名贵”的树种或木材出现在预算表上,比如“紫檀红”、“柚木王”、“欧榉”,还会有一些看不懂的名称,如“金不换”、“象牙木”等等。事实上,越是花里胡哨的名称,其做假的可能就越大。根据上海市技术监督局的一次抽样检验,56种实木地板的树种有27种不相符台,几乎达50%!

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一些装饰公司往往让施工队去向消费者要钱 ,关于这点业主就要依照正规的合同来走了。

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10.煤气:厨房里管道很多,通常为了美观而用吊橱等把管道遮蔽起来。但应注意煤气管道不能做暗管 ,必须露在外面,煤气表也严禁移动,同时应考虑抄表是否方便。

家居 标签:


Bamboo flooring and maintenance of day-to-day maintenance

First, to maintain the indoor air dry conditions
Regularly to maintain indoor ventilation, can make the floor as much as possible of the volatile chemical substances, to the outdoor schedule, but also can make the indoor and outdoor exchange of moist air. In particular, no one living in the long term, maintenance of the circumstances, the indoor ventilation is even more important. Commonly used approach is: the door always open the windows or air convection, or air-conditioning and ventilation systems, so as to create a clean and dry indoor environment.
Second, to avoid sun exposure and rain soaked
Housing some direct sunlight or rain can enter through the window of the local indoor range, which would be detrimental to bamboo flooring. Sunlight will accelerate the aging of finish and plastic, but also caused by the shrinkage and cracking of the floor. Wet after rain, water bamboo absorb deformation caused by expansion, so the floor will be a serious mold. Therefore, in daily use should pay special attention.
Third, to avoid damage to the floor surface
Bamboo flooring is a floor finish of the decorative layer and a protective coating of the floor, so to avoid the impact of hard objects, the scratch tool, friction, such as metals, chemicals can not be stored indoors. In addition, moving furniture, moving should be handled with care, furniture feet should put rubber mats and so on. Public places should be in the main channel, such as carpet bedding.
Fourth, the correct cleaning care
In the course of day-to-day use should be regularly clean floors, to keep the ground clean. When cleaning, you can use a broom to clean dust and debris clean and then wring the cloth dry cleaning artificial, such as the area is too large, cloth mop can be washed, hung to drip dry and then drops to net drag the ground. Cut can not be washed, do not use wet cloth or mop to clear. Usually spilled material if there is moisture in the ground, should immediately wipe dry with a dry cloth.
If conditions permit, you can play from time to time between the wax layer of the floor in order to strengthen the protection of the floor. Paint surface if damaged, can be replaced with ordinary varnish or manufacturer to repair.

家居 标签:


Home maintenance: experience of six furniture rhytidectomy

Moisture away from the furniture so that
Solid wood furniture should not be stored in the room is too humid, it will become damp furniture to get up outstandingbecause this not only affects the appearance, but also shorten the service life.
In order to prevent the emergence of this problem, you must maintain a dry interior. In the humid summer, you will be the best use of thin plastic furniture parts in contact with the ground separated from the wall at the same time so that part of the furniture and walls to keep the gap distance of 0.5-1 cm, the problem will be solved.

Solid wood furniture does not love the sun
Animals and plants need the warmth of the sun, instead of solid wood furniture is also need to enjoy the sun does? Do not think you can, the sun will cause erosion of solid wood furniture, solid wood furniture should be placed in areas not

subject to sunlight, avoid prolonged exposure of furniture. If you need to place furniture in the window, you can block the ultraviolet light with curtains.

Furniture cleaning wax to choose light
We have to wipe the furniture, but would like to remind you, in time to clean the furniture, do not choose alcohol, gasoline composition of this solvent stains will wipe furniture corrosion. The best selection of wood furniture, light wood color wax, a thin veneer to the surface in daub well-distributed and then drying cloth. This fallout can be reduced to increase the sense of gloss.

And keep a distance from heat source
Solid wood furniture does not like hot places. Positioned in the choice of the time, it is necessary to avoid contact with heating the heat source, such as more hot, dry heat or furniture could affect the appearance.
If you need to put in place and close Heating could choose to use some heat-resistant material will be separated with the furniture to avoid injury.

There remain bright coup
Silk Purse with neutral soap bubble water (approximately 1:20) mixture to clean the surface of solid wood furniture. Wipe with a damp cloth, dry cloth and then dry the surface of the water stains in the wood to reduce the surface attachment of furniture, bright colors to keep the furniture.

To balance temperature and humidity
Now many families have installed air-conditioning, indoor air humidity, outdoor temperature and has a lot of difference. Some furniture will crack, which is lost as a result of solid wood moisture, the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor expand when heated and contract when cooled much greater magnitude, which the wood is too dry and tendon rupture as a result caused.
Therefore, solid wood furniture in order to maintain a certain degree of moisture to keep the air humidity inside.

Solid wood furniture repair law
Maintenance shall not be treated if the furniture will be ugly cracks and scars, the impact of the appearance. Continue to let them, not look good; threw it, a pity.
This time there are problems need to do something to repair the furniture to make it back to the original style. According to the different issues, different ways to repair your own furniture in accordance with the problems, choose appropriate methods of repair.

Poor color hot marks
People sometimes inadvertently, often will be filled with hot soup bowl or cup filled with boiling water directly on the coating of solid wood furniture, so furniture will appear on the difference between an ugly scar hot color. Do not worry, in this case, you can use a little fine cloth dipped in strong tea or toilet water, gently wipe, so that marks can be burning a lot of improvement.

Minor surface scratches
Inevitably some stumble home, if there is a small baby at home, you pay no attention, he may be your favorite furniture will draw together the traces of the paint film or even falling. Regret or blame the children have nothing, it is important to repair: You can use colored pens to color according to furniture repair, and then painted the surface layer of transparent colorless nail polish, so that good results can be played.

Tables, chairs, counter cracks, holes
Furniture longer time will inevitably lead to some cracks, holes. Then find some useless as long as the books reported that it cut debris, and then adding appropriate alum, and boiled water paste, embedded crack in it. Will be very strong stem. White glue can also be used to transfer even wood chips, embedded crack, a day after polishing with sandpaper, a simple economical and effective.

家居 标签:


Wonderful set of glass cup of life

Glass cup set is indispensable in our lives the household goods. Exquisitely carved a set of glass cups, not only met our needs, but also to our home life of the scene otherwise. The following solid-colored glass on the furniture do not have some fun.


Most suitable for the VIP banquet goblet, or a candlelight dinner for two.


Seemingly simple lines, cups and containers of flowers found in the color echoes drinks, light under the impression that the United States.


Fabric sofa cleaning methods

First of all, dry towel flap can be used in peacetime, and for periodic cleaning of fabric sofa, if the best weekly.

Handrails sofa, cushion dirty easily, it should be pretty covered in the above sofa towel or large towel.
Vacuum cleaners, the sofa's armrest, backrest and the gap must also be taken into account, but use a vacuum cleaner, do not brush with suction to prevent the destruction of textile fabrics by the weaving lines become fluffy cloth, but also to avoid large suction aspiration This may lead to woven lines break, may wish to consider using a small vacuum cleaner to clean.
In addition, the degree of wear-resistant fabric as the sofa leather sofas, it is best to avoid sitting in the same location as the old.
If found loose head, can not break it by hand, applications neatly scissors to cut flat. If the movable pad, preferably a weekly turnover to wear uniform.

Secondly, the year with a thorough cleansing using the sofa, but after the cleaning agent must be thoroughly washed off, or else get more dirt. Choose the best anti-fouling agent containing specialized cleaning agents.
Sheath of fabric sofa can be cleaned in general. Flexibility which may be set to clean at home, washing machines, large-scale cotton or linen jacket can get to do laundry.
Caution should be taken when pressing some flexibility jacket jacket is easy to dry the iron-free, even if pressed to consider the appearance of fabric, which is more appropriate for ironing the inside jacket, cotton jacket is not iron.

How to put flowers indoors harmful substances excluded

First, plant flowers in the benefits of multi-residential
According to reports, an Aster, Astragalus, including tobacco, such as Astragalus and cockscomb are a class of plants, can absorb large amount of uranium and other radionuclides; Aloe, Sansevieria Chlorophytum and to remove formaldehyde; Ivy, Rose , Rosaceae, such as aloe vera and effective removal of evergreen indoor trichlorethylene, hydrogen sulfur, benzene, phenol, hydrogen fluoride and ethyl ether, etc.; Huwei Portland, Pleione, such as Monstera and a room can absorb more than 80% of the harmful gas; Tianmen Branch to remove heavy metal particles; citrus, rosemary, etc. and can Chlorophytum indoor airborne bacteria and microorganisms greatly reduced. Chlorophytum another can also be effective in absorbing carbon dioxide; Cactus Branch Flower night some little more than carbon dioxide meat; wistaria of sulfur dioxide, chlorine and hydrogen fluoride strong resistance of chromium is also a certain degree of resistance, such as green radish leaves and the hi Water plants can maintain excellent indoor air humidity state.

Second, pay attention to the bedroom to put flowers
Despite the benefits of the family plant flowers, but flowers have to pay attention to the bedroom before, this is because during the day, flowers in photosynthesis, it was off oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide; at night, flowers do not photosynthesis, carbon dioxide and absorb oxygen out . At this time, if placed in the bedroom, flower, will be harmful to health.
1, in the bedroom at night or let go the best small flowers, in order to avoid their colleagues for oxygen, and affect health.
2, some flowers, both fresh air, but also to have some negative impact on people, so in the bedroom not beat the best place, such as Chinese rose, although to a large number of harmful gases, but its rich flavor to disseminate and does not make people depressed, breath, breathing difficulties, even severe; such as azaleas, tulips, lilies and leaves, such as orangutans wood can also absorb the volatile chemical substances, but the yellow (flowers) Rhododendron hybrid flower contains a toxin, misuse of Fresh light from poisoning, will break the history of weight (Note: the market does not sell), referred to contain most of the rhododendrons and azaleas of some volatile oil components such as Su-of bronchitis and asthma have a certain effect; tulip flowers containing a drug alkali, it is reported that contact will be too long to speed up the hair gel off, the smell of lily, people will hear a long time the hub of insomnia caused by over-excitement.
3, there are some flowers, such as pollen bauhinia been a long time will come into contact with disease-induced asthma or cough aggravated disease; mimosa mimosa alkaline body is a toxic organic compounds is mandatory, too much human contact can cause hair gel down; Tuberose circulated to stimulate the sense of smell at night particles will discourage high blood and heart disease in patients with dizziness, depressed, or even worse, but the evening primrose is a watch for the flowers, it's strong aroma, but also repellent is generally used for garden and terrace.


Five fresh bathroom layout skills

Method one: Your bathroom is always scattered with cans, will be tripped accidentally, looking for things from a very trouble? Combination of durable waterproof drawer to clean sweep clutter items, help you to properly categorize their collections, and if the combination of the pulley attached to the convenience, but can the free movement of your needs.

Method Two: used toilet paper in the trash due to water and it looks sick? At this point you need to use laws to build million barrels a day, activity-type heads can be hidden properly garbage bags to avoid moisture intrusion.

Method three: half the hair washing, but also how you feel less than shampoo? Frame may be hung in the bathroom shower, the soap and shampoo so that a few mouse clicks away.

Method four: Unable to get rid of when the cans, do not forget to have the storage space door, the door hung a universal wall-mounted bag included neither incorporated space and function, classification of the pocket allows you to quickly return goods category, sharing the family bathroom easier to travel as long as the package will be removed to wash.

Method five: a growing number of consumers paying attention to bedding and bath accessories, supplies overall mix of bedroom and bathroom so that two of the most private space, creating a comfortable atmosphere and co-ordination, so that your body getting the best of care, family bathroom with a series of fabric bedding, curtains, the formation of the overall style of the home.


Hardware maintenance of sanitary knowledge

1. Please use water and salt will be the leading dry with a soft cotton cloth, not to use any abrasive cleaners, cloth or paper towels, and any cleaning agents containing acidic, polishes or abrasive cleaning agents or soap and other objects to clean the surface leading .
2. As a result of normal sperm used to wash, shower gel, such as long-term residual chrome surface in the surface gloss will lead and direct impact on the degradation of surface quality hardware. Please at least weekly with a soft cloth clean a metal surface, it is best to use a neutral detergent.
3. For it is difficult to remove the stubborn dirt, stains and other surface membrane fouling, use a mild liquid detergent, colorless liquid glass cleaner polishes the role of non-wear, such as cleaning fluid, and then cleaned using water to remove all of the leading cleaning to remove all of the leading detergent and wipe dry with a soft cotton cloth.


Healthy home to ingenious layout

Advised appearance bedroom Founder
For the average home buyers, a good selection of units to be followed in a matter of principle, that is, outside the profile type should be appropriate Founder. If it is existing homes, it is best to go to site visits, on-site view. If the purchase of a pointed, diamond-shaped, triangular, pistols, Dao shape this type, not to "corner position" as a regular activity of the region, prevent the body bump, this location is more suitable for storage.

Department the door to enter the housing object of interest should be put
In the door to enter the housing Department, to do a small entrance, to place them in this cause with the owner, aspirations, hobbies, interests and related objects, this can always motivate and inspire their own dedication.
Note that the door of the toilet not being the door to enter the housing , bedroom doors, stairs, which lead to an objective of indoor air pollution.

Master bedroom is not the best west
The master bedroom is the home of the main activities of the region is also the owner of the place day and night life. Region in the north, due to the factors of climate and light, the master bedroom is the best east, south, so that sunlight will help households and the east wind brought the flow of indoor air. In four directions, the better not to move towards the west.
At the same time, no matter which room is best not to have a nearby outdoor utility poles, chimneys, a wide variety of towers, the shape of rocks or sharp things, such as construction, so as not to block the view, or give undue psychological pressure .
According to the Chinese traditional ethics and moral values "elders child-friendly" laws, it is recommended parents live in the southwest room, the children live in the north of the southeast room or rooms; If it is three generations living under one roof, people live in the southwest God room, south-east room, parents live in the southeast, northeast , due north, and sub-group to live in northeast, north-bit house.
Bedroom should pay attention to privacy, to avoid the room from the living room or other room to see. Not to the bedroom and placed a computer, television, etc., to avoid electromagnetic radiation injury to the body.

There should not be blocked before the study
Study is to study and learning, where self-cultivation, so the demands on the environment are relatively high. The light of experience, Mr. Wang Dayou proposed study can be arranged north house location or the location of the northwest room. Because Chaoyang South Housing ratio, relatively low temperature north house that get down more easily.
Moreover, in the study is the best field of vision outside the window open, there are beautiful trees, such as safflower, and no tall buildings or other forms of shelter material interference with line of sight to ensure that desk to the side of light, in order to protect your eyes from injury.

The main wood decoration logs more
In the interior space, location, layout, the interior decoration to create a healthy indoor environment is a lot of impact, when the residents should be careful consideration in the decoration.
In the Home, the plate plays an important use of the relative proportion, and in the selection panel should be cautious. Especially those with allergy, and plate should be multi-purpose timber, or without the use of composite plates, carpets and other accessories used with caution to avoid induced bronchitis, asthma, heart disease, such as lung.
Paving the ground, it is recommended not to use either natural or man-made stone, because such things are negative, people will absorb heat and yang of the soles of the feet, legs over time cold sensation of the genitalia easy to feel and easy to lead to lower limb disease.

Display beds are about
Important function as a living object, the placing of beds should be regular follow. For example, on the beams beneath the bed not to avoid depression.
In addition, based on scientific research, the best bed with the display line with magnetic north and south pole, which is conducive to people's sleep and good health. On the contrary, it may affect the sleep quality. Generally speaking, in the northern region, a man's head should be in the North, the West, the woman's head should be in the South, the East, so just play a complementary role of yin and yang.
In addition, the bed in the bedroom bed end, do not place or when large mirror to prevent the shock of the night with adults and children.


Carpet Knowledge

For wool carpets, the humidity in the general account of its own weight of wool will be 13% ~ 18% of the water, in special conditions, the water content of wool can be 33%, it is the nature of this particular, it high - humidity environment, can absorb moisture from the air, drying in the air when the water can be released.
Silk carpet is hand-woven carpets in the most noble varieties. Because it is the texture of silk, so a high gloss, light in different forms under different visual effects, and particularly suitable for use in summer, cool in the foot can feel the heat pressing to resolve.
Carpet fibers blended with wool blended with synthetic fibers, in the color pattern, texture and feel, etc., with pure wool carpets is almost the same, but in price, but different and pure wool carpets. Once the wool fiber in which the ratio was 80%, the proportion of synthetic fiber 20%, then blend in the wear-resistant carpet, the pest control, mold, corrosion, etc. are superior to pure wool carpet.
Also known as synthetic carpet fiber carpet, multi-use polyester, acrylic, polypropylene filament or staple fiber woven. Inexpensive and effective, there are vacuum cleaners, acoustic, thermal insulation role.


What aspects of the decoration from the start acceptance

Furniture: smooth lines, sealing line, corner line with the panel interface dense, smooth, smooth sliding door cabinet drawer, handle symmetrical appearance.

Power lines: the laying of the circuit construction to comply with regulations and safety standards, not lower than the outlet from the ground 30CM, three-wire grounded outlet line, kitchen and air conditioning lines to be laid green, with a total installed leak-proof electric brake switch, lighting installation firm.

Doors and windows: switch easily, door frames, window frames and glass sealed around the well.

Ground: the formation of floor tiles, texture clear, uniform color, cross-line horizontal, vertical, floor Shop is a smooth, uniform joints together with the straight, paint color, without scratches.

Wall: wallpaper paste solid, tight joints, pattern integrity, pattern match, no side seam edges neat, uniform coating formation, no color, gray can not.

Water supply and drainage facilities: water supply pipes without leakage, a well-functioning switch valve; drainage unobstructed, without leakage, the phenomenon of stagnant water.

Paint: smooth finish, good feel, enough fuel, no nails eyes, sweeping marks, burrs, and chromatic aberration.